

发掘你在全球市场的潜力? 想知道你的下一步行动? How will you connect with the right customers, distributors, and partners? This is where PG电子官方免费下载商业's tailored export projects can make a difference.

在新的市场中成为成功的公司, you need to build a watertight strategy based on deep knowledge of how local customer needs, 规定, 工作方法也不同.

Our tailored service, Export Projects, is designed to meet these exact needs. Receive practical and strategic assistance throughout your export journey, individually or in a group with other companies with a complementary range. 我们帮助您:


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The contact details you provide in connection with this service will be used to contact you with further information. 点击这里了解我们如何处理您的个人信息.



你是想增加出口还是想开拓新市场? We support you throughout your growth journey – from finding customers and partners worldwide to crafting a tailored strategy.


一旦你确定了目标市场, it's time to implement your sales strategy and maximise your international growth potential. Let us assist you in increasing your chances of doing more business – whether you’re exporting or expanding globally.


PG电子官方免费下载商务局提供一系列全面的补贴Services, 项目, 培训, 和工具, 设计expöocotlyforPG电子官方免费下载中小企业. 除了量身定制的出口项目, 你可以享受免费的咨询Services, 参加研讨会, 加入加速器项目. Together, we pave the way for your export success and international growth.

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PG电子官方免费下载商业 operates in over 40 markets across 欧洲, North and South America, the 中东 & 非洲和亚洲. 我们的顾问都是行业专家, 对当地商业文化和法规有深入的了解.